Monday, July 6, 2009

Last game of League 09 Pictures!

First up, formal group picture!

Front row (L-R): Siti the Brown, Lyn the quiet but lethal, Shu the sexy calves, Sity Melissa the Smelly, Emily the Finnish, Gill the Luo Han fish
Middle row (L-R): Tab the TUBEETAH, Wynne the Whiny, Vivien the ma of Emily, Wy the West coast express, Yihui the killer laughter, Ruyi the lao chio, Shanti the Malibu Mama
Back row (L-R): Bin the Beanie, Ms Tan the Real caring mother who brought apples for every game/ training, Mimi the missy , Miaoling the most injured one, Cally the Ah Hua, Su the self proclaimed sexy one, Sheryl the Bombi Dory, Banana the Man

next up, candic pictures!

nice chest smelly and banana looks super man laughing and covering his mouth.

guess who's being toweled by our Ah Hua?

and the youngest of all...

n whats final game without some battle scar. it means got character!

Allright! since league 09 is coming to a close, our latecoming money collection is closing as well.
So, its time to guess how much $$ we have in it!! The closest guess will walk away with $5 rebate off the chalet fund.

So send ur entry by clicking on comment below!


Anonymous said...

I guess $68!!! =)


Anonymous said...

go to yahoogroup n put ur ans in the database!


Anonymous said...

eh!!!! who never pay during the last game???? $5 each!!! add up will be more than $100!!!! :p


Anonymous said...

My guess is $124
