Saturday, May 29, 2010

Match report thus far...

After a slow start in their first game, the ladies came out with all cylinders firing and were ready to prove their worth. The first minute of the game saw a quick pass from Smelly Bombelly to Su = Sexy who then proceeded to fire a quick shot towards the goal and into the net.

The young opponents did not back down easily. With their speed and fitness, some speedy gonzales tried to bulldoze their way into the dangerous zone. This caught the defence by surprise but with Ms Invisible Wallie Mimi in the goal, everything else denied and clean sheet was still on the way. Second goal came pretty late into the first period. However, it was an awesome wrap by Su who was on her way to go Turkey in this game. Mao Mao Ling did not want to lose out and scored a goal ala whack-through-sarong-style shortly after.

The period ended with 3-0 in favour of the team.

The second period started with high intensity as the ladies were thirsty for more goals. Hat trick lady was in the house when a goal by Su came about 4 minutes into the period. A minute later, Mao Mao Ling found the back of the net after receiving a pass during corner free hit from Shumin who was spotted with her new funky hairdo. After that, the ladies were just craving for more goals. Just a minute after, Emily got her well deserved goal after firing relentlessly whenever she was in the slot area.

The team continued to extend their lead with good distribution of the ball from the back and intelligent running by the forwards. Shumin finally scored her maiden goal of the season with some deft touches, putting a backhand top corner goal after receiving a pass from Ruyi. The period ended with Wynne putting an easy tap in from close range after receiving a pass from the-top-assist-of-the-day-Smelly to bring the score to 8 - 0.

The third period was pretty much the same affair but with objectives of keeping clean sheet and 5 more goals kept in mind. The team controlled the game from the face-off and it took them 4 minutes to break opponents' defence when Shumin turned the ball into the back of the net after receiving a cross court pass from Ruyi. The Singapore Schools Girls did not back down easily but instead continued to run their hearts out in the final period. However, with wave after wave of attack crashing against Singapore Schools' goal, the goals continued to come in favour of Titans with Ruyi and Emily both scoring a total of 5 goals, ending the match with 15 - 0 in favour of Titans.

final score: 15-0
shots on goal: 56 - 9

goal scorers:
su - 3 goals
miao ling - 2 goals
emily - 3 goals
shumin - 2 goals
wynne - 2 goals
ruyi - 3 goals

smelly - 4 assists
shumin - 3 assists
ruyi - 2 assists
cally - 1 assist
shanti - 1 assist

ps: my first attempt at writing match report. grammatical errors are undeniable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For a first-timer at match report, this is darn well-written!
Sounds exciting and real-time!

Shanti u wrote this?
