Monday, June 14, 2010

And the goals came rolling in...

Titans set to carry on from where they left off the previous match by going full force right from the first whistle. With Miao Ling showing her slick stick work whenever she was in front of the goal, it was no wonder that 5 out of the 12 goals were scored by her. Some of her highlights: Deft backhand shot into near post after making opponents looked like they were moving cones and quick rebound after a nice long lob from Cally.

Shumin who was spotted with even fiery and over the top hairdo this week was also set to leave her opponents in the dust. She assisted a total of 5 goals and got herself the point leader position for now.

Moment of the match: Mimi's brilliant catch when opponent fired at right top corner of the goal.
With confidence and in slow motion, she pulled the ball towards her before doing a throw out. The bench just erupted in awe and excitement upon witnessing such wonderful save.

Well done to Bin and Mimi! Its clean sheet again!

final score: 12-0
shots on goal: 46-8

goal scorers:
miao ling - 5 goals
su - 2 goals
wynne - 1 goal
tab - 1 goal
smelly - 1 goal
emily - 1 goal
cally - 1 goal

goal assists:
shumin - 5 assists
wylyn - 1 assist
emily - 1 assist
cally - 1 assist

1 comment:

KJ said...

How abt all the hard work put into your set piece play? ;)